Wooden siding | How to choose the wood siding?

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Wooden sidings – one of the easiest ways to beautify the house. The timber is made of the internal and external decoration creates comfort, naturalness and environmental impact. That is why the wood paneling decorated with rural tourism, public buildings, residential buildings. Wooden house decoration – timeless, so do not be afraid that it “will go out of fashion.”

The main thing – quality wood

Medinės dailylentėsRepairing housing probably thought that after a few years it will need to upgrade again. You probably want the exterior of the building or the interior look aesthetically at least several decades. It is important to know that the siding is needed not only to decorate the exterior of the building, but also to protect it from the wind, sun, rain, snow and corrosion. They retain excess moisture and ensure that the home’s exterior to keep it intact. It is therefore necessary from the beginning to pay attention to the quality of the wood.

High-quality wood a long time does not change his external qualities – color, texture, shape – even when it is exposed to moisture or temperature differences. Specialists say that a well-maintained and regularly updated siding can serve up to 50 years. Of course, depending on the chosen timber.

A variety of wood planks

The panel is usually made of softwood: spruce, pine or larch. Especially quality considered siding made from Nordic countries growing trees such as Siberian larch. The panel is made from hardwoods such as oak wood, but because of its high prices in Lithuania are not popular. Each conifer boards have their own advantages and disadvantages and have different characteristics. They are summarized in the table below.

To their quality boards are divided into A, AB, B, C and other classes. Top quality – at least the branches and other external defective – Class A siding. The lowest classes planks quality requirements are not high, they may have a lot of chipping, pitting, branches and other visible defects. The lower plates of quality class, the lower its price.

Wooden planks are dried prior to processing. Dried wood is resistant to deformation, its dimensions are more accurate than the natural moisture content of wood not dried dimensions you’ll know just about as long as it dries.

When choosing a timber, pay attention to this kind of aesthetic expect. If you are concerned about the color plates, you know that spruce wood is whitish, pine – pink, while the larch colors pink begins and ends with a yellowish brown color. If you updated around the building there are other wooden buildings decorated with paneling, preferably similar shades of boards to choose him.

Boards for interior and exterior decoration

Interior decoration boards išsirikti easier – they will not work rain or strong temperature differences, does not remove the direct rays of the sun. Most importantly, the internal boards to perform their core – aesthetic – function.

Wooden planks outdoor decoration has its own advantages and disadvantages. Wooden exterior finish can make your own hands and save this finish is environmentally friendly, natural and aesthetically pleasing. Wooden outdoor decoration drawback – the fact that due to its natural features wooden boards need to be maintained, for example, every few years to repaint.

Outdoor finishes best meets the requirements of spruce wood. Exposure to moisture, fir wood less rapidly deforms, such as pine. Fir boards cut in a way that they can be positioned within the core edge outwards – that they neišsiriestų. By the way, siding rough surface to better absorb the paint, so they need to be repainted less than planed.